2015 HRMAM HR & Leadership Conference - Involve and Evolve

The 2015 HRMAM Conference, 'Involve and Evolve' reflects the relationship between the involvement of people and the evolution of organizations. As workplaces increasingly strive to be relevant and meaningful for their customers, clients and stakeholders, involving people in decision-making, problem-solving and goal-setting becomes more critical than ever before. 

Once again this year, we are reaching out to more business leaders in Manitoba, creating sessions and introducing topics that showcase how unstoppable the HR and Leadership combination can be. 

Businesses that evolve through more personal involvement get better outcomes. In this context, the HR Profession is unique: as the face of support for staff at all levels; as keepers of the pulse of the organization; as developers of systems that allow people to thrive; as interpreters of culture; and as partners in setting strategic directions and smoothing the path to achievement. 

Posted on October 8, 2015 .